Tuesday, December 20, 2011

15' x 36" Easy Set Above Ground Swimming Pool

!9#:15' x 36" Easy Set Above Ground Swimming Pool

Brand : Intex
Rate :
Price : $59.95
Post Date : Dec 21, 2011 03:38:13
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Features: POOL ONLY. 15' x 36" Easy SetAbove Ground Swimming Pool Specifications & Features: Brand new and 1st quality! We never sell refurbs, seconds or customer returns. # Each 15' x 36" Easy Set above ground pool includes: 1. (1) 15'x36" Above Ground Easy Set Pool. 2. (1) Set-up & maintenance DVD. 3. (1) Limited warranty from the manufacturer, Intex The pool liner has a 90 day warranty against manufacturer's defects and the pool filtration pump has a 1-year warranty. Any warranty claim must be submitted to the manufacturer. For warranty inquiries please call the Intex Consumer Hot line at 1-800-234-6839, monday thru friday, 9am to 5pm Pacific time. 4. (Infinite) Hours of refreshingly fun family activity and enjoyment. 15 ft diameter x 3 ft height. Super easy set-up! Ready for water in 15 minutes! Water capacity: 2,822 gallons (10,680 L) at 80% full. No tools are needed to set up an Easy Set Pool. Stronger construction - Easy Set Pools have SUPER-TOUGH 30 gauge sidewalls that are made with 3 separate layers of material for extra strength & durability: 2 outer layers of heavy-gauge PVC are laminated to an inner layer of polyester mesh for extra reinforcement! More durability - Made with SUPER-TOUGH Plastic, a high density molecular PVC plastic that is unaffected by gasoline, oil and salt water. SUPER-TOUGH Plastic is also highly resistant to damage from abrasion, impact and sunlight. This hybrid plastic allows more air pressure for rigidity thus the pool wall is very stable. No sand required - all an Easy Set above ground pool needs is level ground. Do not try this with a steel-sided above ground pool! You will need up to 2000 lbs of sand to secure the pool walls! Easy Set Pools do not need sand to support their walls! Easy Set above ground pools are great for adults and kids. PLEASE NOTE: Children should always be supervised by a competent adult when using or in proximity to any pool. Easy Set above ground pools drain conveniently! The

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Winterizing Your Above Ground Pool

This is an instructional video made by Teddy Bear Pools & Spas for Closing your Above Ground Pool.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cloudy Pool Water - Causes & Cures

!9#: Cloudy Pool Water - Causes & Cures

Cloudy pool water is caused by many factors. These factors may be chemical (water balance, pH, improper methods), mechanical (pool filter system) or environmental (source water, excessive rain, heavy use). Often times, pool owners attempt to treat the symptoms but not the cause of the cloudy water, so we have to look at all of the things that may contribute to the problem. Let's look at the causes of cloudy swimming pool water, then we can look at treatments and cures.

Before we dive in let's first put cloudy water to the test. Cloudy pool water is in the eyes of the beholder. Cloudy can mean: Dull - the pool water just doesn't sparkle. Hazy - it just isn't as clear as it normally is. Cloudy - you can make out the bottom of the pool if you look hard. Opaque - the term says it all!

Chemical Reasons

Many pool owners quickly blame "bad chemicals" so let's start there. Here are some of the factors and their contribution to the cloudy water problem. Water chemistry can contribute to cloudy or hazy water - if the pH is HIGH (over 7.8) and or the Total Alkalinity (TA) is HIGH (over 200 ppm) and or the Calcium Hardness (CH) is HIGH (over 400 ppm). With pH & TA being high the water will become dull or flat and the chlorine reacts more slowly loses its ability to kill and control bacteria and algae. Now you have early algae growth - another cause of cloudy pool water. High CH doesn't become a problem until the water warms up to over 85 degrees F; then you have a "cloudy" condition that won't go away. Maintain good pool water balance with these parameters: pH - 7.2 - 7.6 (all pools); Total Alkalinity - 80 - 120 ppm (concrete) or 120 - 150 ppm (vinyl liner); Calcium Hardness 200 - 300 ppm (concrete) or 175 - 250 ppm (vinyl).

Other chemical or chemistry based reasons for cloudy pool water would be lack of regular shocking, periodic chemical cleaning of the filter, poorly maintained sanitizer levels, lack of a chemical maintenance routine. Regular weekly or biweekly shocking of the pool aids in oxidizing un-filterable swimmer waste such as body oils, lotions, urine, hair gel, perspiration, etc. We find that the single biggest mistake customers make in their normal care is not shocking the pool often enough or insufficiently (not using the proper amount of pool shock). Proper shocking also helps to "rejuvenate" the chlorine level and knock out early algae growth. Whenever you have a pool party with lots of expected bathers, consider shocking the pool the day before (helps build up the chlorine level providing a buffer for an eventual chlorine demand) as well as immediately following the party (shocks & oxidizes everything that was brought into the pool during the party -- if your guests weren't using the bathroom, the beer & soda had to go somewhere). Using a calcium hypochlorite shock such as BioGuard Burn Out Extreme is preferred since the product will get in, do its work, then get out. Potassium monopersulfate shocks like Oxysheen work well to help break up chloramines (combined chlorines), but shouldn't be used exclusively.

Mechanical Reasons

If the chemistry is good and the pool is being properly shocked and algaecide added every 1 to 2 weeks, then it is necessary to look at the mechanical reasons. The mechanical components contributing to cloudy pool water would be improper filter size (too small), improper pump and motor size (too small or too large a horsepower pump), insufficient filtering time, poor circulation, improper maintenance (vacuuming & brushing). I can recount story after story when I've walked into a customer's backyard to help them troubleshoot a problem pool only to find the filter shut off or improperly connected. When simple corrections are made, the pool water is clear in as little as 24 hours. Let's examine some basics.

Your swimming pool's filtering system should be operating a minimum of 8 to 10 hours per day, every day from opening to closing. If the pool water becomes cloudy or other problems become evident, then constant running of the filter until the problem is solved is required. If the filter was properly sized (even slightly bigger is better) then 8 to 10 hours daily is good. On the other hand, too large of a pump may be "harmful" to the filtration. If the horsepower is too great, you may be blowing dirt and everything else you want filtered right through the filter (especially sand filters). When it comes to 2 speed pumps, make sure the "high" speed run time is set for a minimum of 6 hours daily PLUS and additional 12 to 18 hours at "low" speed).

Consider using an automatic pool cleaner. You'll end up with better circulation, cleaner pool surfaces and less work.

The other mechanical reasons are also important. Regular vacuuming and brushing help with the overall circulation by moving water around. Keep directional "eyeballs" pointed DOWN to force filtered water down to the bottom of the pool and therefore aid in water movement by breaking up dead spots. Too frequent backwashing of the filter doesn't give the filter media enough time to do its best cleaning -- a dirty filter filters a finer particle. One final mechanical reason for cloudy pool water, lack of use. Actively used pools are always better circulated and filtered. So even if the water is cloudy (as long as the water is in good chemical balance), use the pool!

Environmental Reasons

Remember that whatever is out in the world, will eventually get in the pool and detract from water clarity. Pollen, dust, dirt, leaves, make-up water, bird droppings (forgot about those, right?), rain, local construction sites, etc. can all affect your swimming pool. Each of these culprits needs to treated differently. Pollen, dust and other fine particulate can be treated using a water clarifier like BioGuard Polysheen Blue. Flocculants work well in severe situations by settling the particles to pool bottom and vacuuming it all out on Waste. Use a skimmer sock inside of the skimmer to remove fine pollen or dust that may be too fine for your sand filter.

Leaves, swimmers, makeup water, droppings will create a chlorine demand. Shocking the pool is necessary. Make-up water can change the water chemistry affecting the pH, TA and CH not to mention the possible addition of heavy metals, all of which can cause or add to water cloudiness.

Final Notes

As you can see there's no 1 or 2 reasons for cloudy pool water. It's usually a combination of factors. Some of them not even coming from the pool itself. The best solution to cloudy pool water is prevention utilizing a good, regular chemical and cleaning maintenance program. About 30 to 60 minutes per week is all that it takes. If or when your pool water turns cloudy, don't start adding clarifiers or flocs. Get down to the real cause. Look at all of the contributing factors.

Cloudy Pool Water - Causes & Cures

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Monday, November 21, 2011

How To Close A Pool For The Season

!9# How To Close A Pool For The Season

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The nights start getting a little cooler (40 degrees or less), and pool owners recognize it as the first sign that the season is preparing to change. The days warm enough to swim reduce gradually until they regularly are out numbered by the days that are too cool to swim. At some point, it can no longer be denied, the pool season is over!

When it's time to get ready to close up your pool, taking the time to do it right will prevent problems during the winter and help avoid delays opening the pool when the warm weather returns. About three days to a week before you will close your pool, begin preparing it. Adjust the water chemical balance to the following ranges:

pH: 7.2-7.6

Alkalinity: 80-120ppm

Calcium Hardness: 180-220ppm

Reduce filtering times gradually over a week

Once this is accomplished, shock the pool, following the package directions. When the chlorine level is 1.0 to 3.0, winter algaecide can be added and it won't interfere with the effectiveness of the algaecide.

To avoid damage from freezing and/or snow, these items should be removed from a pool and stored for the winter:

Skimmer baskets (all pools)

Wall fittings (all pools)

Cleaners (all pools)

Ladders (above-ground pools)

Decks and rails (above-ground pools)

Solar covers (all pools)

Some pool covers require the water level to be lowered. Check the pool cover manufacturer's recommendations. Use a submersible pump or the filter pump to lower water level if need.

Remove all plugs from equipment like pumps, heater, and chlorinator. Completely drain all equipment. If needed, blow out equipment so there is no water left to freeze and cause damage to the pool equipment. When possible, remove the pump and store indoors. DE filter grids and cartridges will need to be removed and cleaned. It is recommended to lubricate all o-rings and for gas heaters with cast iron plugs it's a good idea to lubricate the threads.

The pool should be as clean and clear as you can make it. If you have been properly maintaining the pool, it shouldn't be much work to skim and vacuum the swimming pool.

For in-ground pools if you can't blow out the lines, add antifreeze, following package directions. Once lines are safe from freezing, install expansion plugs. For above ground pools, the lines can be disconnected. Putting large air pillows in an above-ground pool will help protect the liner.

When the pool is clear and the water is clean and at desired chemical levels, it's time to cover it. A properly fitting cover is essential to proper pool closure.

How To Close A Pool For The Season

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dealing With & Treating Swimming Pool Algae, Mustard Algae, Black Algae, Algaecide & Green Alga

!9# Dealing With & Treating Swimming Pool Algae, Mustard Algae, Black Algae, Algaecide & Green Alga

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Algae is a common problem in swimming pools. What is it; what are the different types & how is it successfully prevented and treated. First of all, algae is a single-celled plant form. Some are aquatic (live in water), some are not. Algae utilizes the process of photosynthesis to manufacture its own food. Algae comes in very wide variety of colors and forms making it adaptable to almost any condition. Although some forms are virulent - especially Black or Mustard algae -, most are harmless and pose no more than a nuisance to most pool owners. Due to algae's microscopic size, it takes literally millions of these plants to accumulate to be noticed by the naked eye! By that time it may be too late and very costly to correct. Prevention of algae blooms is the best solution.

Green Algae: The most common form of algae that we deal with in swimming pools is "green" algae. Green algae (varies in color from blue-green to yellow-green to dark-green) can be free floating in the water (turning the water a hazy-green) or can be wall-clinging (patches of green). Wall-clinging varieties range in severity from small patches on pool walls and bottoms to virtually covering the entire pool surface. Green algae has the ability to clog filters and may even cause surface damage if left untreated. Green algae can be treated fairly simply and quickly with a proper, aggressive shocking & algaecide.

A relative of regular green algae is "small-celled green algae" (SCGA). The difference is seen in these areas: 1. The water remains relatively clear. Many treat the problem (without proper analysis) as a copper or mineral problem, however the metal chelants will show no effect. 2. When treating with chlorine, chlorine seems to "disappear". SCGA is very resistant to even high levels of chlorine.

Other mid-summer types of green algae noticed is "green spots" all around the pool, especially in shady areas. The water is almost always "very clear". The water can have a "stinging" sensation. This is normal green algae, typically brought about by lack of homeowner care; i.e. not following a weekly maintenance routine such as the Once-a-Week 3 Step program combined with very low pH and very low Total Alkalinity.

Treatment: Have water properly analyzed. BALANCE THE POOL WATER. Pools treated with chlorine or bromine should aggressively shock with chlorine (BioGuard Burn Out® or Smart Shock®) and use a good quality algaecide such as Back Up®, Algae All 60®, or Banish® in extreme cases. Pools treated with SoftSwim or other Biguanides should top up their Bactericide level "B", add a double dose of algaecide "A", and add a double dosage of shock or "C". Follow up either method with Optimizer Plus® (a borate product similar to ProTeam Supreme). Treating algae with Sodium Bromide should be discouraged (sodium bromide treatments, can, in time, cause a chlorine demand problem).

"Black Algae" (actually blue-green algae) forms in cracks and crevices on pool surfaces, especially plaster finishes. We normally find black algae growing in, but not limited to, shady areas of the pool. Black algae is more typically found in concrete or plaster finished pools; it is very uncommon to find it in vinyl liner pools. It is known for a heavy slime layer and "skeletal growths" that make it impervious to normal chlorine levels. When viewed in a swimming pool, the water remains relatively clear, however, almost all customers notice a high chlorine demand (use much more chlorine than normal). When brushed, "black algae" will be difficult to budge and even though it seems as if it has been removed, the black algae will most likely return to the exact same spots within 24 hours.

What we're beginning to understand is that Black Algae is "aided" by swimming pool bio-films. As bio-films accumulate on pool surfaces, they act as a kind of "breeding bed" providing nutrients and a "soft" place to set down roots. Removal of the bio-film dramatically aids in the long term treatment of Black algae. The more that the bio-film is removed and continually removed, the less likely Black Algae will be able to set down.

Treatment: Have water properly analyzed. BALANCE THE POOL WATER. Prior to and during treatment, the algae MUST be thoroughly brushed in order to "break open" the slime layer that covers and protects the Black Algae cell. During treatment, the chlorine level MUST be maintained in excess of 3.0 ppm - this may require daily shocking of the pool - AND the affected areas MUST be thoroughly brushed 2 to 3 times per day to allow the chlorine treatment to penetrate the algae. TRUE Black Algae is very resistant to treatment and can be transferred from pool to pool via bathing suits and pool toys. Failure to do these critical steps will prevent the treatment from working. Pools treated with chlorine or bromine should aggressively shock with chlorine (Burn Out® or Smart Shock®) and use a good quality algaecide such as Back Up®, Algae All 60®, or Banish® in extreme cases. Pools treated with SoftSwim or other Biguanides should top up their Bactericide level "B", add a double dose of algaecide "A", and add a double dosage of shock or "C". Follow up either method with Optimizer Plus®. Treating algae with Sodium Bromide should be discouraged as mentioned above.

"Mustard Algae" is probably the MOST misdiagnosed form of algae. Mustard algae is a chlorine-resistant form of green algae (yellow-green to brown in color) typically found in sunbelt areas. It often resembles dirt or sand on the bottom or sides of a pool. In our market area (Fairfield county CT), the number of TRUE Mustard Algae cases that we treat can be counted on ONE HAND in most seasons. Mustard Algae is prevalent in Sunbelt areas. Mustard Algae has certain characteristics: It can be brushed away very easily, but returns quickly to the same location.

Keep in mind that the "algae" may be returning to the same place due to a dead spot in the pool. Be sure that you have good circulation through out the entire pool.

Although it usually creates a large Chlorine demand, it has been known to survive in high levels of Chlorine - over 3.0 ppm. It is extremely important to remove mustard algae growth from equipment (including the back of underwater lights & ladders) and bathing suits to avoid cross or recontamination of other pools. Pool equipment can be left in the pool during product application or cleaned separately with a mild cleaning solution. Rinse thoroughly if equipment is used in a SoftSwim® pool. Bathing suits should be washed with detergent as directed on garment label.

Treatment: Have water properly analyzed. BALANCE THE POOL WATER. Prior to and during treatment, the algae MUST be thoroughly brushed in order to "break open" the slime layer - such as with Black Algae. Failure to do this critical step will prevent the treatment from working. Pools treated with chlorine or bromine should aggressively shock with chlorine shocks such as BioGuard Burn Out® or Smart Shock® and use a good quality algaecide such as Back Up®, Algae All 60®, or Banish® in extreme cases. Pools treated with SoftSwim or other Biguanides should top up their Bactericide level "B", add a double dose of algaecide "A", and add a double dosage of shock or "C". Follow up either method with Optimizer Plus®. Treating algae with Sodium Bromide should be discouraged as mentioned above. Click here for all Algae treating products.

The best way to prevent and control algae is to maintain good pool care. Good pool care means following the 5 Keys to pool care (look for our published articles on theses subjects): 1. Have and maintain good circulation of the water to all parts of the pool. 2. Filter the pool a minimum 8 to 12 hours daily. 3. Clean the pool regularly by vacuuming and brushing all surfaces. 4. Test the Water at least 2 times each week. Testing tells you what is going on with the water. Make adjustments immediately when necessary. 5. Maintain good Water Chemistry. Chlorine or other sanitizer in their correct ranges, pH 7.4 - 7.6, Total Alkalinity 100 - 150 ppm, Calcium Hardness 200 - 300 ppm. On a weekly basis (every week all season long): Shock the pool with the appropriate shock treatment and add a maintenance dose of a good quality algaecide (please don't use the gallon jug algaecide - they're mainly colored water).

Dealing With & Treating Swimming Pool Algae, Mustard Algae, Black Algae, Algaecide & Green Alga

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Intex Easy Set 10' X 30" Swimming Pool with Filter Pump & Setup Video

!9#Intex Easy Set 10' X 30" Swimming Pool with Filter Pump & Setup Video

Brand : Intex
Rate :
Price : $69.99
Post Date : Oct 30, 2011 23:44:06
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This Intex Easy Set 10' x 30" swimming pool package comes complete with a filter pump and setup video! Intex Easy Set Pools provide hours of backyard family fun! They are incredibly easy to set up, essentially no tools required! Spread out the pool, inflate the top ring, fill with water and watch it set itself up!

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Salt Water Swimming Pools

!9# Salt Water Swimming Pools

[if ]

It is possible that the main reason for choosing a salt water chlorination system for your swimming pool comes down to long term cost, since although there is an upfront cost and replacement cost of the terminals from time to time, adding salt the pool instead of chlorine granules or tablets does have a cost benefit.

However, for many people the other benefits of salt water pools make a compelling case. For example, salt water tends to be far softer and thus less drying on the skin than chlorinated water. PH balance is not as important to monitor. Rinsing your hair and swimming costumes to avoid discoloration becomes less important. For many, saying goodbye to stinging eyes and running noses from the harsh chemical fumes of chlorinated water is cause enough to install a salt chlorinator.

There are some downsides, though. Some claim that there is no cost benefit, part of the reason to base a decision on multiple factors. There can also be some scale buildup as the terminals can begin dropping scale into the water, which can then accumulate on the walls. If you have any screws in the pool, such as those fastening a light in place, they can begin to rust if they are steel-based, such as chromed screws.

Ultimately, the decision for installing a salt chlorinator versus using granular or tablet chlorine comes down to personal preference. The technology has been around for decades already and has long proven itself in private pools around the world.

Salt Water Swimming Pools

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Pools of salt water, Buyer Beware

!9# Pools of salt water, Buyer Beware

[if ]

There are common misconceptions about alternatives to chlorinated pools. Many water pool, in turn, the belief that it is more economical and less maintenance rooms. These assumptions are completely wrong. If hypochlorite pool you want, you can make money, a lot of headaches and a lot of time to save only with the help of bleach. Bleach is typically 6% sodium hypochlorite.

A swimming pool with sea water is a swimming pool instead of chlorine calcium hypochloriteHypochlorite pool. The difference is that to do the same chlorine. Technically, a Salt Water Chlorinator chlorine gas by electrolysis of the salt works by releasing water of the pool. Two to 500 pounds of salt in the pool water was added to reach a saturation of about 3200 parts per million. The salt water is then transmitted when a cell chlorine plant that is loaded electronically, this process uses chlorine gas and salt. The chlorine gas thencombines with the pool water to create liquid chlorine bleach.

If you are considering such a salt water chlorinators are, there are some things you should consider before buying. Many shops and swimming pool builders tend only to professionals of these units. You should know what problems arise frequently in the rule and the reason for them to help you avoid unnecessary disappointment with this new investment.

This list will help you to recognize somethe most common problems with products for water treatment:

1 Many complain about the inability to achieve the desired chlorine content. This can be done from the pool pump / filter is not long enough for the unit should be created to provide the necessary amount of chlorine. Factors that increase the demand for chlorine is difficult to invite swimming, sun, heat, low stabilizer.

2 Ifthe salt content is too low, then the device is not enough chlorine.

3 If the stabilizer (cyanuric acid) is too low, the chlorine will not long stay in the bath water, and the device may not be able to keep up with demand. This is very common. Many problems occur when the stabilizer (cyanuric acid) are too low. 80 ppm is recommended by most manufacturers. In humid climates, can be up to 120 ppmnecessary to keep the chlorine in the pool. If the stabilizer is too low, the chlorine is produced will be burned by the sun. Air conditioner acts as a sunscreen for your chlorine. You can use the inner surface of the pool with a high damage cyanuric acid. High concentrations of stabilizer also cause the skin to itch.

4 If the salinity is too high, the cell might otherwise result in an incorrect reading of salt. The cellmay indicate salt. If this is done without checking the true reading, you can more than salt water. Most systems do not work if the salinity is too high or too low.

5 If phosphates in water (stain removal products on the market are loaded with phosphates), are food for algae. Some may not agree on these products and say they have no effect. We have seen this on aregularly and have the water test, to say the opposite. If the phosphate is too high, the salt water Chlorinator act as if it does not create chlorine. If chlorine, chlorine, immediately creates in the fight against algae is growing, even if not visible. If this happens, the pool is not possible to reach and build a reserve of chlorine in the water. (1-3 ppm)

No need to first common myth of pH with salt water concernsChlorine plant.

The truth - if the pH and alkalinity out of balance, the chlorine less effective. The pH should be 7.4 to 7.6. With a saltwater chlorination Chlorinator is similar to using liquid chlorine both have a high pH (11.7) chlorination. A common problem is that home and apartment owners do not tend to combine their pH and alkalinity sufficient evidence. The main reason is that too many manufacturers and dealers to sell these systems as "set and forget" solution. Most people withSalt systems are running their pH 7.8 to 8.0. This is bad for two reasons. One of the pool is in Range mode and two chlorine surrounded by higher alkalinity pH. And 'better between 7.4 to 7.6 when using chlorine.

Myth # 2 common pools are salt water pool surfaces and equipment safe.

The truth - The same salt is the attack on concrete questions and plaster materials bridge. This is a relatively slow process, because the salt is low. The saltcan also kill any landscape in or around the pool and the water level in the field.

If the sodium is too high, the main problem of corrosion by the chlorine produced by the electrolytic cell. Chlorine bleach can reagents can give a "false negative" and the damage to people grossly over chlorine your pool equipment, water surface, lights and stairs. A common problem is corrosion on the scale. The bridge anchorare typically cast and the conductor is usually made of stainless steel. The salt water will corrode the overtime anchor.

Everyone should be aware that if you salt water (in 2800 ppm or higher range) you should be ready to seal your own, especially if it is porous as limestone. Otherwise, the salt is dry and begin to affect your business. In addition to sealing the stone, and caution is also advisable to address the more cumshots at the end of each day to bathewith fresh water. Even if the pool of salt water is not at a level of 3000-3500 ppm corrosive if the water meets the management and evaporates, leaving a pure salt. The pure salt is corrosive and is probably due to corrosion of coping.

Some landlords refuse to build a swimming pool salt water pools with cream or taupe limestone coping. Every customer who wants to be confronted with a SWG pool, needs to make a rule to sign a release form. Pool builders have said thatmust replace a significant amount of these two types of coping strategies over the past year.

Myth # 3 common size fits all

The truth - It 'very important when you buy one chlor, make sure that the equipment for your swimming pool. You're better off with a chlorine for the pool is too large than too small. A chlorine is too great to be back or run for less time each day to make the cells take longer. One unit is too small for my algae problems later if you do not runfor longer periods each day, or add additional chlorine (No, not salt) on a regular basis.

Myth 4 There is no common maintenance of a pool of salt water.

The truth - All cells Saltwater generator should be cleaned. This must be done before the calcification is within the cell body of a large block. If left too long, it will do two things.

1 Breaking the cell envelope.

2 Shorten the life of the cell.

It 'also very important to watch your saltLevel in the pool. A low-salt (less than 2000 ppm) results in oxygen production and damage to metals platinum anode, thus shortening the life of the cell. It is recommended that the salinity of the upper end of the scale, try to keep the manufacturer for the model. It 'important to ensure that exceed the maximum capacity of power as the rectifier and the transformer can be damaged.

As with any pool must maintain a correct pH. AlsoCyanuric acid levels should be maintained or quickly dissipate chlorine from the pool. To repeat once again, salt water pools are not chlorine-free swimming pools. For those who really do not have a swimming pool chlorine, copper-ionization is a good choice.

Pools of salt water, Buyer Beware

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Intex Metal Frame Pool (13' X 39")

!9# Intex Metal Frame Pool (13' X 39")

Brand : Intex | Rate : | Price : $139.99
Post Date : Sep 11, 2011 03:06:49 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Features: Above Ground, Easy Set Pool
  • Includes: Instructional DVD, Pool Cover, Ladder, Filter Pump
  • Capacity (volume): 2671.0 Gal.
  • Recommended Capacity: 4 People
  • Water Depth: 36.0 "
  • Set-Up Time: 45-min.
  • Frame Material: Steel
  • Liner Material: Vinyl
  • Safety Warning: Adult Supervision Required
  • Manufacturer's Suggested Age: 6 Years and Up
  • Dimensions: 156.0 " L x 156.0 " W x 39.0 " H

More Specification..!!

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Intex 15-Foot by 48-Inch Family Size Round Metal Frame Pool Set

!9# Intex 15-Foot by 48-Inch Family Size Round Metal Frame Pool Set

Brand : Intex | Rate : | Price : $299.00
Post Date : Aug 22, 2011 09:54:38 | Usually ships in 24 hours

  • Medium-size, metal-frame, family pool set
  • Constructed of high-grade steel that is powder coated for rust resistance
  • Easy set-up with no tools required; all metal beams joints pin or snap together
  • Set-up size is approximately 15 feet by 48 inches

More Specification..!!

Intex 15-Foot by 48-Inch Family Size Round Metal Frame Pool Set

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Above Ground Pools - the right solution for every Backyard

!9# Above Ground Pools - the right solution for every Backyard

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Above-ground pools are a great addition to any garden. Offering all the fun and excitement of swimming with private pool, without the high cost and duration of an in-ground pool, above ground pools are an attractive option for many families. For most of the above-ground pools, you can swim immediately after (and with some swimming pools, on the same day!) When installation. Some pools are designed to be permanent, you can configure the off-season and winter outdoorSpring, others can be easily disassembled and stored indoors during the fall and winter months. Best of all, with a wide range of prices available, building options, shapes and sizes, there are above ground swimming pools in every yard, every budget.

Above-ground pools are usually available at a depth of 48 "to 54". Consumers can choose between round, rectangular and oval shapes select, in sizes from a simple 12 'around a large 18' x 39 'oval, offering options for every meter ofShape and size, and the opportunity for swimming, water sports and offer hours of fun and relaxation for young and old. Above ground pools are now available in a variety of styles, too. From traditional swimming pools above ground, for the present is more streamlined and modular, as an above ground pool is the creation of a measure courtyard.

Above-ground pools are a number of different materials, the provision of various construction and installation options to choose from. TraditionallyExcalibur pools above ground swimming pools, metal walls feature galvanized steel, which are exceptionally strong and durable. Some recent above-ground pools, like the Radiant Panel EZ & trademarks are energy saving, environment properties, so that is becoming increasingly popular. Its strong metal walls must be stored with a layer of insulating foam specially developed core, the heat and reduce operating costs and utilities. Their design also allows the installation much easier than traditionalAbove ground pools, above ground and can be installed in a semi-ground or completely in the ground - for the benefits of a traditional ground pool without the high cost! A third category of above ground swimming pools are ideal for smaller yards, smaller budgets, and for families looking for flexibility, take their pool during the low season, or to move. Intex Pools, for example, offer round, rectangular and oval above ground swimming pools in a variety of formats, including some models made by aSuper-Tough ® heavy-duty three-layer film, with inflatable ring that can be set-up and swim in one afternoon!

If the above ground pool is made of metal or vinyl, the assembly is usually very simple and straightforward. With metal frame pools, regardless of the construction and shape the parts are locked together before adding water. Traditional above ground pools, like Excalibur Sea Wind, Palm Bay, Glenridge, Regency and sandstoneThe models are usually installed by 2-3 people in a few hours. Newer Radiant Panel EZ Intex Pools and offer a more modular design and installation even easier. And for an Intex pool above ground vinyl inflatable ring, just fill the top ring with an electric pump or hand and fill the pool. As mentioned above, offer several models, including above ground pools and a variety of Radiant Panel EZ installation options to achieve a fully customizedat a fraction of the cost of a conventional ground pool. These tanks are designed to be completely above the earth, halfway into the ground or fully installed in the ground.

Another great advantage of the above ground pool is the fact that now so many choices in terms of accessories and equipment needed for swimming pools on earth. For example, consumers will find a wide range of slides, chutes, ladders and steps designed specifically for above ground pools. Most pools can also be easilyadapted for Decks & Fencing, offers even more flexibility in terms of design and construction.

In relation to water disinfection programs can be above ground swimming pool owners and their heat the pool water disinfection, without leaving a high level of chlorine or other chemicals. It therefore offers an inexpensive mineral water disinfection and easy way to clean without the need for traditional chlorine. And new brine disinfection systems are now available specifically forAbove ground pools. Use these "salt-chlorine generators' natural salt everyday low natural chlorine, which cleans and softens water pool to create.

Above-ground swimming pool owners have more options in terms of "green" and eco-friendly pool heating makes decisions that will also reduce the use of non-renewable energy sources and expensive. High efficiency pool heaters and heat pumps can reduce energy consumption and operating costs and provide water wonderfully warm bath. Eabove ground solar systems can increase the temperature of the water bath of 15 degrees using only the force of the pump energy for heating swimming pool and free from the sun. It is always advisable to use a solar pool cover when the pool is not in use to retain heat, reduce evaporation and reduce deposits. And even if it has a pool of warm walls can be developed, in particular, on the wall of foam (a product common pool) give any above ground pool heat retaining properties - easy to installwhile the pool is set for the warmer water and a longer swimming season - all with lower operating costs!

Consumers should always ask, what has been added to the pool when you buy an above ground swimming pool. For example, for some, but not many above ground pools, the sheet vinyl. Another key piece of equipment is a pump and filtration system that circulates and filters the water, as well as aid in purification. Some above-ground pool kits, such kits are an Intexconvenient way all the components you need to have the pool and get in the shortest possible time. Standard above-ground swimming pool kits typically include a pump and filter system, a maintenance kit, a ladder, solar blanket and chemicals. And, of course, add-on accessories such as heating, cleaning, fencing, lighting and games are always a good idea for maximum safety, flexibility and fun.

If you decide to take advantage of the convenience of the kits above ground poolThere are many benefits to enjoy when you install an above ground pool in your garden. First, above ground pools offer an affordable way to enjoy the fun in a swimming pool. While prices may go up to several thousand dollars, the quality above ground pools are also available for less than $ 780 Another great advantage is that these pools to be installed quickly and easily, are durable and take down. With a long list of shapes and sizes, there is a high idealAbove ground swimming pool for every yard, so that every homeowner can enjoy the experience fun and exciting for their own private pool.

Above Ground Pools - the right solution for every Backyard

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Intex Easy Set 15-Foot-by-42-Inch Round Pool Set

!9# Intex Easy Set 15-Foot-by-42-Inch Round Pool Set

Brand : Intex | Rate : | Price : $144.95
Post Date : Aug 05, 2011 01:55:53 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Start your summer now with our new Intex Easy Set Deluxe Pool.

The Easy Set Deluxe Pool features a revolutionary design that's ready for water in 30 minutes! Perfect for the whole family, the Easy Set Deluxe features a 52 Super Tough 3-ply liner and includes everything you need to get swimming. Comes complete with Filter Pump, Deluxe Chlorine Generator, Ladder, Ground Cloth, cover, and Deluxe pool Maintenance Kit.

  • Intex's Easy Set Pools are great for smaller children, smaller yards, or for families making their first pool purchase.
  • They're easy for consumers to carry to the back yard, easy to assemble, and early to enjoy!
  • Filter pump, Ladder, Ground Cloth, Cover, Maintenance Kit, Surface Skimmer, and DVD included
  • Ready for water in 15 minutes
  • Room for the whole family

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